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DIPC HPC accounts


We cannot grant access to researchers who are not directly employed by non-profit research centers in the Basque Country to our public computational resources.

In order to utilize the high performance computing (HPC) resources offered by DIPC, you are required to have a valid DIPC cluster account. If you don't possess one yet, you are encouraged to apply for an account.

Please fill out the necessary form, which can be accessed through the following link. Once completed, submit it either personally to our HPC Resource Manager or send it via email to

We kindly remind you that the approval of account requests is not automatic and is subject to our internal review process.

Access for external collaborators

In you are not directly employed by non-profit research centers in the Basque Country and you collaborate with a research group or center that has its own computational resources at the DIPC and wish to request access to them, or alternatively, you belong to a research center or group that possesses computational resources at the DIPC and want to grant temporary access to an external collaborator to them, please fill out the following form and send it to

Modifying Your Password

After your account is successfully created, a temporary password will be issued to you. For enhanced security and personalization the user will be forced to change it on the first login.

You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)
need a new password
WARNING: Your password has expired.
You must change your password now and login again!
Changing password for user username.
(current) LDAP Password:     <--- Type provided current password
New password:                <--- Type the desired new password
Retype new password:         <--- Retype the desired new password
Please ensure that your new password complies with the following criteria:

  • It must contain at least two uppercase characters.
  • It must include at least two lowercase characters.
  • It must have at least two digits.
  • It must feature at least two special characters.
  • It should be at least 8 characters in length.
  • It should not be a repetition or overly similar to any of your previous passwords.

These rules are put in place to ensure the security of your account and protect the integrity of our computing resources. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

In case the user receives a passwd: Authentication token manipulation error error message means that the previosuly specified restrictions have not been fully satisfied.

In order to modify your password in any moment, simply execute the following command:

$ passwd